1. Is your facility website easy to navigate for your users? not easykind of easymoderately easyeasyvery easy 2. Is your website easily found through the main website of your institute? not easilykind of easilymoderately easilyeasilyvery easily 3. Your users can find basic information like “service provided”, “equipment list”, “pricing”, “contact and directions” on your website. strongly disagreedisagreeneutralagreestrongly agree 4. Does your website include a login area where the users can access personal information like “booking”, “forms”, “SOPs”, “protocols”, “raw data” or “billing status”? No.Yes. The users can find there some information.Yes. The users can find there all the necessary information. 5. Your website is regularly updated. strongly disagreedisagreeneutralagreestrongly agree Loading... recommendations