1. Do you have a face-to-face meeting with your users before they start working at your core facility?neverrarelysometimesoftenalways 2. Do you involve the PI in the discussion of a new user’s project?neverrarelysometimesoftenalways 3. Can you track back your previous communication with a user?neverrarelysometimesoftenalways 4. Do you document (by notes or minutes) oral discussions with your users?neverrarelysometimesoftenalways 5. If a problem with a user arises, do you solve it immediately and face-to-face?neverrarelysometimesoftenalways 6. Do you provide user’s feedback forms?neverrarelysometimesoftenalways 7. Would you like to have the communication with your users improved?definitely yesprobablypossiblyprobably notdefinitely not Loading... Recommendations