Project partners
The Interdisciplinary Neurobehavioral Core (INBC) is a multidisciplinary in vivo platform of the University of Heidelberg. The INBC is a core facility with extensive “state-of-the-art” in vivo applications, infrastructure and support for the entire neuroscience workgroup. The Core Facility provides the technical capabilities for functional studies of molecular, cellular, and network manipulations at the level of the whole organism, such as behavioral analysis, optogenetics, in vivo electrophysiology, and surgery. One of their main goals is to facilitate collaborative projects between basic researchers and the clinic. The INBC is located in the middle of the campus of the University of Heidelberg and is thus conveniently located for the surrounding institutes and research institutes such as the German Cancer Research Center, the Max Planck Institute for Medical Research and the Center for Molecular Biology. Since its inception five years ago, INBC has contributed to a number of high-level publications and grants to its users.

Interdisciplinary Neurobehavioral Core Facility
University of Heidelberg
INF 515, 69120 Heidelberg, Germany
Dr. Claudia Pitzer (facility leader)
Dr. Isabelle Kos (Q-CoFa project)
PAASP GmbH has a worldwide unique selling proposition as an exclusive service provider for quality assurance in preclinical research and is involved in most major international projects for the quality assurance of research data. In addition, PAASP has a diverse network of experts and can bring industry experience to the project.
One of these quality assurance projects is EQIPD (funded by IMI, with 29 direct partners and over 40 associated partners), supplementing Q-CoFa with additional contacts and experiences. In addition, the PAASP GmbH has expertise in different electronic applications and solutions for biomedical research. PAASP team members are familiar with current quality systems and are involved in the development of a tailor-made system for preclinical research.

Dr. Björn Gerlach

The BMBF (Federal Ministry of Education and Research) funded the Q-CoFa project (Grant 01PW18001).
- DZHW gGmbH
The DZHW is a research institution funded by the federal and state governments and is regarded as an international competence center for university and science research. The DZHW conducts data collection and analysis, produces research-based services for higher education and science policy, and provides the scientific community with an infrastructure in the field of higher education and science research.
The DZHW gave us advice to improve the practical implementation and execution of various tasks within Q-CoFa.

Dr. Barbara Hendriks